Post-printing works
Pre-printing services
Printing works
Form cutting
Form cutting gives unique form to a printed product. Paper, cardboard and plastic can be processed this way. Traditional geometric forms are the most popular ones.
This technique allows enhancing the print effect and is often used for producing promotional flyers, wobblers, stickers, labels, packaging production or other products. With figurative cutting, any form can be obtained according to customer’s demands. Prints of digital, offset and silkscreen printing can be processed this way.
Form cutting is adapted to prints of different layers, from very thin paper to five-layer cardboard. The service is offered for prints no larger than B3 format.
(0 5) 276 0709
Gintarė Pakeltienė
Projektų grupės vadovė
Mob. +370 682 67 040
El. p. gintare@kopija.lt
Romas Simonaitis
Mob. +370 602 09 439
El. p. romas@kopija.lt
Bendrieji el. paštai:
El. p. vadyba@kopija.lt
El. p. pardavimai@kopija.lt
Norminių leidinių užsakymai (buvusi „Rekona“)
Danguolė Garlaitė
Tel. (0 5) 265 2630
Mob. +370 686 07 802
El. p. danguole@kopija.lt
Tel. (0 5) 277 3505
El. p. buhalterija@kopija.lt
Darbo laikas
I – V 8.30 – 17.00
VI – VII nedirbame
- BĮ UAB „Baltijos kopija“
Kareivių g. 13B
LT-09108 Vilnius
Į. k. 110669916
PVM LT106699113