Post-printing works
Pre-printing services
Printing works
Perforating is making a tearing line with the help of printing equipment. A row of small holes is formed on the edge of a notepad. It serves for tearing off pages more easily without damaging the other pages. Perforating is suitable for any size of paper of different thickness. Most often perforation is applied to the aforementioned notepads, tickets, cash receipt forms, coupons and similar products. Several tearing lines can also be formed on the print. The advantage of this process is that perforating allows for the paper to be torn manually without damaging the print.
(0 5) 276 0709
Gintarė Pakeltienė
Projektų grupės vadovė
Mob. +370 682 67 040
El. p. gintare@kopija.lt
Romas Simonaitis
Mob. +370 602 09 439
El. p. romas@kopija.lt
Bendrieji el. paštai:
El. p. vadyba@kopija.lt
El. p. pardavimai@kopija.lt
Norminių leidinių užsakymai (buvusi „Rekona“)
Danguolė Garlaitė
Tel. (0 5) 265 2630
Mob. +370 686 07 802
El. p. danguole@kopija.lt
Tel. (0 5) 277 3505
El. p. buhalterija@kopija.lt
Darbo laikas
I – V 8.30 – 17.00
VI – VII nedirbame
- BĮ UAB „Baltijos kopija“
Kareivių g. 13B
LT-09108 Vilnius
Į. k. 110669916
PVM LT106699113