
Check twice, print once. This rule is extremely important in the publishing industry, since you cannot replace text by simply clicking the “edit” button as you would do on a webpage. Therefore, proofreading plays an important role when preparing various texts for publishing, starting from a business card and ending with a book.

Proofreading means correcting small spelling, punctuation or text formatting mistakes. It can be compared to checking the text with a spell check function in order to make sure that the letters and commas stay in their right place, the abbreviations are correct, etc. However, it is not an automated process, as only an experienced professional can spot inaccuracies in the text and understand its meaning, context and make the necessary corrections without losing the original idea.


  • (0 5) 276 0709

    Gintarė Pakeltienė
    Projektų grupės vadovė
    Mob. +370 682 67 040
    El. p.

    Romas Simonaitis
    Mob. +370 602 09 439
    El. p.

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    El. p.
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    Danguolė Garlaitė
    Tel. (0 5) 265 2630
    Mob. +370 686 07 802
    El. p.

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    El. p.

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    Kareivių g. 13B
    LT-09108 Vilnius
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